Software Product Testing

Our Accreditation

IV&V Australia’s Test Lab was for many years accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) to ISO 17025. ISO 17025 is the standard for the “General requirements for the competency of test and calibration laboratories."

As of July 2023 we no longer hold this accreditation. However we remain self-assessed as compliant with this standard.

The types of testing that we do includes:

  • Acceptance tests
  • Functionality tests
  • Technical Embedded System tests
  • Medical Device tests
  • Voting Systems tests
  • eHealth Application tests
  • Manufacturing tests

What does the testing involve?

  • We write a set of tests for a pre-release version of developed software against its requirements
  • Alternatively, we review (and update) tests that you have prepared to ensure that they are correct and fit for purpose
  • We execute the tests - usually a dry run or two then a final test on the release candidate
  • We produce a formal test report.

Why use an experienced test lab?

  • By using an experienced lab witha strong process focus and a reputable company, you can be confident that your product has been systematically tested and that the results you receive are objective and accurate.
  • Our clients find that these independent 3rd-party reports are very helpful as part of their marketing strategies to their clients and for their submissions to regulatory bodies.